Curriculum vitae
Professional experience
- July 2024 - present, Professor of Geochronology, School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland
- August 2020 - July 2024, Reader, School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland
- August 2017 - August 2020, Senior Lecturer, School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland
- August 2010 - July 2017, Lecturer in Chronology, School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland
- February 2007 - July 2010, Research Fellow, School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology, Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland
- October 2006 - September 2008, Research Fellow, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden. From February 2007 on leave in Belfast
- September 2006 - September 2007, Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Limnology, Ghent University, Belgium
- February 2005 - August 2006, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, Guanajuato, Mexico
- March - June 2004 and October - November 2003, Visiting Scientist, CIMAT
- April 2003 - February 2004, Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Botany Department, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- November 1998 - March 2003, PhD in palaeoecology at Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Investigating Holocene sun-climate relationships using numerical C-14 wiggle-match dating of peat deposits. Supervisors Dr Bas van Geel, Prof Henry Hooghiemstra and Prof Johannes van der Plicht
- September 1992 - April 1998, MSc in Biology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Specialisation: Microbial Ecology
- January - December 1997, Arctic Biology at University of Svalbard, Norway
Grants and awards
- April 2024, £1.2M from AHRC (RICHES) for equipment upgrades (coI 8%)
- March 2024, £5.4M from Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) for Co-Centre for Climate+ Biodiversity and Water (coI 1%)
- April 2022, £3M from AHRC (CapCo) for equipment upgrades (coI 4%)
- December 2021, €25k from the Geological Survey Ireland (GSI) toward establishing 210Pb alpha counting (PI)
- August 2021, £74.6k from NERC for a Seedcorn project with St Croix Watershed Research Station, Minnesota (PI)
- January 2021, £1.9M from Department for the Economy NI (DfE, HERC) for a MiCADAS 14C accelerator mass spectrometer (PI)
- April 2019, equivalent of £1.4k from UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) for PGR chronology course, Mexico City, Mexico
- October 2018, £2.4k from QUB to develop professional R package for 210Pb modelling
- October 2018, £2.36M for QUADRAT NERC Doctoral Training Programme (coI 10%)
- August 2018, £18.5k for NERC/NSF-funded MexiDrill (PI Victoria Smith, University of Oxford)
- April 2018, equivalent of £1.3k from UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) for PGR chronology course, Mexico City, Mexico
- March 2018, £12k from the Royal Society for Dating the decadal-scale dynamics of ENSO and pollution trends from crater lake sediments in Nayarit, with Dr Carolina Ruiz-Fernandez at UNAM
- September 2017, £25.2k from the Department for the Economy NI, Global Challenge Research Fund, for the Palaeochronology Building Workshop
- December 2016, £44k from NERC for Testing the 'megadrought' hypothesis: the timing, cause and impacts of climate change in equatorial Africa (DeepCHALLA-UK)
- November 2016, £8.2k from the EPSRC-funded Past Earth Network for the feasibility project Moving forward with forward models - synthesising past water tables from multiple peat cores
- August 2015, discretionary award for exceptional performance, Queen's University Belfast
- October 2014, $950k, ICDP funds to drill Lake Challa (Belfast PI, main PI Prof Verschuren Ghent University)
- Aug 2014, £79k, NERC Standard Grant REIMAGINATION: REconstructing and understanding the IMplications of surface 14C AGe changes In the North Atlantic for overturning circulaTION (Belfast coI, main PI Prof. Austin, St Andrews)
- May 2013, $5.6M, NSF (project participant, PI Dr. McLachlan)
- Jan 2013, £1.3M, ERC Advanced Grant Fragility and sustainability in restricted island environments: adaptation, cultural change and collapse in prehistory (coI, PI Prof. Malone)
- Jan 2013, £16.9k, Polish National Science Centre (coI, PI Dr Brandherm)
- March 2011, £14.4k by the Royal Society for high-precision C-14 dating of an East African lake
- June 2010, $6k by PAGES for organising Paleochronology Building Workshop
- March 2010, €5k by INQUA for organising Paleochronology Building Workshop (co-investigator, PI David Lowe, INTREPID)
- February 2010, discretionary award for exceptional performance, Queen's University Belfast (£980)
- May 2009, $20k for research project, National Geographic Society (co-investigator, PI Stephen Jackson)
- April 2008, MEX 100k for research project, CONCYTEG, Guanajuato, Mexico (co-investigator, PI Andrés Christen)
- December 2007, £4250 for R workshop from Staff Training and Development Unit at Queen's University of Belfast
- April 2007, €400 for Young Scientist registration fee EGU General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria
- November 2006, equivalent of £51k by VR (Swedish Research Council) for my research project
- April 2006, $1800 from PAGES to attend HOLIVAR 2006 Open Science Meeting, London, UK
- February 2006, shortlisted for NERC Postdoctoral Fellowship (equivalent of £223k; I declined because I accepted the Uppsala position)
- November 2005, equivalent of £286k by VR (Swedish Research Council) for 4-yr research fellow position at Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden
- March 5 2024, expert comment in New York Times Magazine article on YD comet impact hypothesis
- February 24 2016, megafauna hands-on session at Stranmillis Primary School (Belfast)
- February 19 2016, session at Northern Ireland Science Festival (School of GAP, Queen's University Belfast)
- May 4 2016, demonstration at Science Taster Day (School of GAP, Queen's University Belfast)
- Occasional assistant at the Young Archaeologists Club, an outreach activity aimed at 8-16 year olds interested in archaeology, Queen's University Belfast
R packages (development, maintenance and support)
- rbacon - Bayesian age-depth modelling
- rplum - Bayesian Pb-210 age-depth modelling
- clam - classical age-depth modelling
- rintcal - IntCal radiocarbon calibration curves - data and functions for plotting and calibration
- coffee - chronological ordering for fossils and environmental events
- for development versions, visit my github page
Oral presentations
- 15 May 2024, "Radiocarbon Dating and Conspiracy Theories", Department of Geography, Cambridge University, UK (invited)
- 1 September 2023, "Radiocarbon dating, calibration and age-modelling using R", 29th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting, Belfast
- September 24 2021, "Un siglo de Paleoecologia - Milenios de Años de Cambios Ambientales", Foro Nacional de Estadistica, Mexico (virtual, invited)
- 21-23 June 2022, chronology sessions at I Paleostats Conference, Geotop, Montreál, Canada
- May 27 2021, virtual session on distributing and using open-source palaeoecological software, PalaeoSIG Masterclass in R, British Ecological Society Palaeoecology Group (invited)
- 28 April 2021, talk at 24-hour Global Memorial Event in memory of Dr. Eric Grimm, virtual (invited)
- September 11 2019, "An Introduction to Chronology using Radiocarbon dating", PAGES Landcover6K Meeting, Pondicherry India (via Skype, invited)
- July 26 2019, "A short history of chronology-building", 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), Dublin, Ireland
- Feb 3 2019, "Better use Bayes: a comparison of classical and Bayesian age-models of sedimentary deposits", University of Cologne, Köln, Germany (invited)
- October 31 2018, "A comparison of classical and Bayesian age-models of sedimentary deposits", Royal Statistical Society Northern Ireland (invited)
- October 16 2018, "Why Bayes is better - a comparison of classical and Bayesian age-models on real-world and simulated cores dated at low to high resolution", 6th Workshop on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, LEMA, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
- July 19 2018, talk on age-modelling at AFQUA Conference, Nairobi Kenya
- June 27 2018, keynote on age-modelling at INTAV Conference, Romania
- October 19-21 2016, "New simulation tools show the benefits of Bayesian age-models and the dangers of basic ones", Dating the Anthropocene in Environmental Archives, Toulouse, France (keynote)
- May 23-26 2016, "Impacts of sampling and dating density on chronologies and paleoenvironmental reconstructions", Bayesian Statistics Applied to Archaeology Conference, Nantes University, France (invited)
- September 2015, "Visualising chronological uncertainties of proxy time series", Past Earth Network Opening Conference, Crewe, England (invited)
- July 2014, "Reconstructing past environments - muddy and filled with uncertainties", International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) World Meeting, Cancun, Mexico (invited)
- June 2013, "Why do we tie? A critique on tuning in palaeoclimatology", Bordeaux University, France (invited)
- November 2012, "Out of Tune: the dangers of aligning fossil proxy archives", Sheffield University (invited)
- July 2012, "bacon and clam: nouvelle cuisine age-depth modelling", 21st International Radiocarbon Conference, Paris France
- November 2011, "Think before you link: dangers of aligning fossil proxy archives", Durham University (invited)
- August 2011, keynote "Absolute dating and uncertainties or think before you link", Lanzhou University, China (invited)
- July 2011, "The pitfalls of tuned proxy archives", XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland
- March 2011, "Out of Tune: the danger of aligning fossil proxy archives", Stockholm University, Sweden (invited)
- December 2010, "Testing teleconnections - chronological uncertainties of independently dated and tuned past climate events", AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA (invited)
- September 2010, keynote "Bayesian techniques for reliable radiocarbon age-depth models", "All At Sea?" Conference, Loughborough, UK (invited)
- December 2009, "High-resolution age-depth model of Lake Challa (SE Africa) 25 kyr BP to present", 11th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Guadalajara, Mexico
- November 2009, "Klimaat, fossielen, rubber en dobbelstenen", Final Symposium Graduate School Centre for Geo-ecological Research ICG, Wageningen, The Netherlands (invited)
- October 2009, "How to date events and alienate your colleagues: Bayesian re-analysis of supposedly simultaneous events", workshop "Dealing with Archaeological Dates", Queen's University Belfast, UK (invited)
- May 2009, "Age-models from peatlands", international research workshop "Peatland Archives of Holocene Climate Variability", Vihula, Estonia (invited)
- September 2008, "Were last glacial climate events simultaneous between Greenland and western Europe?". INTIMATE 10 Conference, Oxford, UK
- June 2008, lecture on age-modelling at Leverhulme-funded melting pot workshop on uncertainties in palaeoclimate reconstruction SUPRA-net, Sheffield, UK (invited)
- July 2007, "Can non-annually dated proxy archives be correlated at decadal scale? A meta-analysis of climate change c. 850 cal BC", XVII INQUA Congress, Cairns, Australia
- April 2007, "Testing the timing of radiocarbon-dated events between proxy archives", EGU General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria (invited)
- March 2007, "Millions of age-models instead of just one: quantifying chronological uncertainties using Bayesian statistics". ESF/PAGES EuroCores Workshop "Radiocarbon and ice-core chronologies during glacial and deglacial times", Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, Germany
- September 2006, "Lies, damn lies, statistics and palaeoecology",
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics,
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- June 2006, "BioP, Bayesian software for ecological niche modelling",
Natural History Museum & Biodiversity Research Center, Kansas University, US
- May 2006, "BioP, software Bayesiano para modelar nichos ecologicos",
National Institute for Biodiversity Research
CONABIO, Mexico City, Mexico
- April 2006, "A Bayesian framework for age-modelling of radiocarbon dated raised-bog peat deposits",
19th Radiocarbon Conference, Oxford University, UK
- April 2006, "BioP, Bayesian software for ecological niche modelling",
Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University, UK
- June 2005, "C-14 dating of climate events: problems and solutions",
Department of Geography and Environment, University of Aberdeen, UK
- June 2004, "El dia despues de mañana: usando estadística para reconstruir cambios del clima",
CIMAT, Mexico
- November 2003, "What happened when?: Using statistics to obtain precise chronologies from
C-14 dated archives",
CIMAT, Mexico
- June 2003,
C-14 wiggle-match dating of peat deposits,
HOLIVAR Workshop Holocene dating, chronologies and age modelling, Utrecht, The Netherlands
- March 2003, "Cambios climáticos durante el Holoceno, producidos por el sol?",
UNAM, Mexico
- January 2002, "C-14 wiggle-match dating: advantages and limitations",
Quaternary Research Association Annual Discussion Meeting, "Constructing Quaternary Chronologies", Oxford, UK
Provision of chronology-building workshops
- August 29 2024, Delivered chronology-building workshop for href=>QRA Postgraduate Symposium, Queen's University Belfast
- July 7-12 2024, co-organiser of AI and Palaeostats workshop, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK
- September 8 2023, workshop on radiocarbon calibration and modelling in R, at CLARA2 Radiocarbon in Latin America Conference, Mexico City, Mexico (in Spanish)
- 18 January 2023, virtual Radiocarbon Workshop for UNESCO/IGCP 725 Forecasting Coastal Change ([youtube link]
- October 4-5 2022, Age-modelling session at Training Course in Quaternary Geochronology, BELQUA National Committee, Royal Academy for the Sciences and the Arts, Brussels, Belgium (invited)
- 19 January 2022, virtual Radiocarbon Dating workshop for UNESCO/IGCP 725 Forecasting Coastal Change
- 19 January 2022, Radiocarbon workshop, Irish Quaternary Association (IQUA), Belfast, Northern Ireland
- September 2021, virtual Short Course at GSA Connects 2021 (supported by EarthRates RCN) [Course material available here]
- June 2021, for PGR students and researchers at York University (invited; virtual)
- July 27 2019, for Early Career Researchers at INQUA Congress, Dublin, Ireland (invited)
- Feb 3 2019, University of Cologne, Köln, Germany (invited)
- October 15-19 2018, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
- July 21 2018, AFQUA Conference, Nairobi Kenya (invited)
- June 26-29 2018, INTAV Conference, Romania (invited)
- January 8-13 2018, Campeche, Mexico (organiser)
- July 9-14 2014, LOTRED-SA meeting, EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia (invited)
- May 2014, Aberdeen University (invited)
- January 13-16 2014, Neotoma workshop on age models, chronologies, and databases, Queen's University Belfast (co-organiser)
- September 3-6 2013, Bordeaux University, France (invited)
- December 17-18 2012, INTIMATE chronology workshop, Oxford University
- November 2011, Durham University (invited)
- May 2011, chronology modules at EPD Tilia workshops in University of Liverpool (UK) and CEREGE (Aix-en-Provence, France) (invited)
- March 2011, module at "Quaternary Stratigraphy and Dating Methods", Stockholm University, Sweden (invited)
- Aug 17-21 2010, "Paleochronology Building Workshop", San Miguel de Allende, Mexico (co-organiser)
- May 2010, module at "Quaternary Paleoecology Short Course", University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (invited)
- March 2010, module at postgraduate "Geostatistics Winter School", Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (invited)
- April 2008, lectures at ESF-funded Spring School on Late Quaternary Timescales and Chronology, Piran, Slovenia
- April 2008, lectures and practicals at workshop "Environmental Statistics in R", Queen's University of Belfast
- May 2007, taught age-modelling training workshop at European Pollen Database Open Scientific Meeting, Europôle Méditerranéen de l'Arbois, Aix-en-Provence, France
- February 2005 - August 2006, project co-supervisor of software engineer Christian Omar Gomez, CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico
- April 2006, teacher at "Statistics Laboratory" course, CIMAT, Mexico
- November 2005, lectures and practicals at Bpeat Workshop, CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico
- July 2004, July 2003, lectures and practicals at Chronologies Module
HOLIVAR Training Course,
for PhD and postdoctoral students in palaeoclimatology, Ghent, Belgium and London, UK
- November 2003, assistant at a practical for MSc statistics students at CIMAT, Mexico
- 1999 - 2002, assistant at courses in Geo-ecology, incl. lectures and training MSc students in pollen, non-pollen microfossils and macro-remains, C-14 calibration, C-14 wiggle-match dating, numerical analysis, field work. IBED, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 1996 - 2002, lectures about arctic vegetation to MSc students of diverse backgrounds.
Arctic Centre, Groningen University, The Netherlands
Organisation of workshops and conference sessions
- 1 September 2023, co-chair of session 575 Radiocarbon Dating and Archaeology", 29th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting, Belfast
- 8 February 2023, delivered a chronology-building workshop at St Andrews University, Scotland
- September 2021, co-organiser of virtual age-modelling workshop at GSA Annual Meeting, USA
- October 15-19 2018, co-organiser of age-modelling workshop at UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
- January 8-13 2018, Paleochronology-building workshop, Campeche, Mexico (organiser)
- Member scientific committee, and co-convenor session Statistical Tools, 21st International Radiocarbon Conference, Paris France (July 2012)
- session convenor at XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland (July 2011)
- Co-organised "Paleochronology Building Workshop", San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. 27 international participants (August 2010)
- Chair general paleolimnology session, 11th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Guadalajara, Mexico (December 2009)
- Organised workshop "Environmental Statistics using R", Queen's University of Belfast, UK. 20 participants (PhD, staff), invited teachers: Gavin Simpson (University College London, UK), Jari Oksanen (Oulu University, Finland), Roger Bivand (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway) (April 2008)
- Organised Bpeat Workshop (lectures, computer practicals, discussion), Guanajuato, Mexico. Participants: Dave Beilman, Keith Bennett, Maarten Blaauw, Andrés Christen, Eric Grimm, Dmitri Mauquoy, Gill Plunkett, Ron Reimer, Zicheng Yu (November 2005)
- Chair Chronologies Module of HOLIVAR Training Course, Ghent, Belgium (July 2004)
Conferences and workshops
- July 7-12 2024, AI and Palaeostats workshop, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK
- September 4-8 2023, CLARA2 Radiocarbon in Latin America Conference, Mexico City, Mexico
- 30 August-1 September 2023, 29th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting, Belfast
- September 11-16 2022, 25th Radiocarbon Conference - 10th 14C & Archaeology Conference, Zurich, Switzerland
- 21-23 June 2022, chronology sessions at I Paleostats Conference, Geotop, Montreál, Canada
- 19-30 April 2021, EGU General Assembly 2021 (#vEGU21)
- 4 December 2020, EarthRates '20-'21 virtual All Hands meeting, USA (invited)
- July 25-31 2019, 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), Dublin, Ireland
- March 15-19 2018, Fragsus final workshop, Valletta, Malta (participant, invited)
- November 19-11 2017, NSF workshop on science priorities, Minnesota, USA (participant, invited)
- September 11-12 2017, 1st UK Paleoclimate Society Meeting, Cardiff, UK
- October 19-21 2016, Dating the Anthropocene in Environmental Archives, Toulouse, France (keynote)
- May 23-26 2016, Bayesian Statistics Applied to Archaeology Conference, Nantes University, France (invited)
- September 1-4 2015, Past Earth Network Opening Conference, Crewe, England (invited)
- July 14-18 2014, International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) World Meeting, Cancun, Mexico (invited)
- October 13-16 2013, Peatlands workshop, Lehigh University, USA (invited)
- July 9-13 2012, 21st International Radiocarbon Conference, Paris France
- January 2012, PAGES Focus 4 Biodiversity Theme Workshop, Oxford University
- July 2011, XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland
- December 2010, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California (invited)
- September 2010, Neotoma international workshop, Madison, Wisconsin (invited)
- September 2010, "All At Sea?" Conference, Loughborough, UK (invited)
- Dec 15-18 2009, 11th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Guadalajara, Mexico
- Nov 5 2009, final symposium Graduate School Centre for Geo-ecological Research ICG, Wageningen, The Netherlands (invited)
- October 26-29 2009, workshop on carbon accumulation reconstructions from peatlands, Totnes, UK (invited)
- October 3 2009, workshop "Dealing with Archaeological Dates", Queen's University Belfast, UK (invited)
- May 17-21 2009, NSF/PAGES-funded international research workshop "Peatland Archives of Holocene Climate Variability", Vihula, Estonia (invited)
- September 29-30 2008, ESF Final Euroclimate Conference, Presqu'île de Giens, France (invited)
- September 19-22 2008, INTIMATE 10 Conference, Oxford, UK
- June 23-27 2008, Leverhulme-funded melting pot workshop on uncertainties in palaeoclimate reconstruction SUPRA-net, Sheffield, UK (invited)
- April 20-26 2008, ESF-funded Spring School on Late Quaternary Timescales and Chronology, Piran, Slovenia
- April 14-17 2008, workshop "Environmental Statistics using R", Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast, UK
- July 28 - August 3 2007, XVII INQUA Congress, Cairns, Australia
- May 7-13 2007, European Pollen Database Open Scientific Meeting, Europôle Méditerranéen de l'Arbois, Aix-en-Provence, France (invited)
- April 15-20 2007, EGU General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria
- March 19-23 2007, (assisted with age-modelling at) Northern Eurasian palaeoecological database workshop. Jesus College and Oxford University Centre for the Environment, Oxford, UK
- March 5-7 2007, ESF/PAGES EuroCores Workshop "Radiocarbon and ice-core chronologies during glacial and deglacial times". Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, Germany (invited)
- June 12-15 2006, HOLIVAR2006 Final Open Science Meeting, University College London, UK
- April 3-7 2006,
19th Radiocarbon Conference, Oxford University, UK
- November 7-10 2005, Bpeat Workshop, Guanajuato, Mexico
- September 2005, National Statistics Forum, Guanajuato, Mexico
- 2003, HOLIVAR Workshop
Holocene dating, chronologies and age modelling, Utrecht, The Netherlands (invited)
- 2002, Quaternary Research Association Annual Discussion
Meeting, "Constructing Quaternary Chronologies", Oxford, UK
- 2001, Challenges of a Changing Earth, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 2001, conference CLIC (Climate change and variability in Northern Europe), Turku, Finland
- 2000, Quaternary Research Association meeting,
"Millennial Scale Changes", Southampton, UK
- 2000, CLIVAR (Climate variability), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 1999, NAC (Earth Sciences), Veldhoven, The Netherlands
- 1999, European Geophysical Society General Assembly, The Hague, The Netherlands
Attended courses
- September 2009 - June 2010, Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education and Teaching (PGCHET), Queen's University Belfast, UK
- April 2009, Research Team Leadership, Queen's University Belfast, UK
- October 2008, Effective Use of Voice, Queen's University Belfast, UK
- October 2008, Small Group Teaching, Queen's University Belfast, UK
- April 2005, GBIF Data Modelling, Mexico City, Mexico
- 2003, ESF HOLIVAR international training course
Quantitative climate reconstruction and data-model comparisons, University College London, UK
- 2001,
Numerical Analysis of Biological and Environmental Data, University College London, UK
- 1999, Physics of Climate, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
- 1999, IRISEN
(Integrated Regional Impact Studies in the European North), European Union and Abisko Research Station, Sweden
- 1998-2002, Oral Presentation, Scientific Writing and Editing in English, Project Management, Introduction to Geo-Ecological Concepts. All at Graduate School Centre for Geo-ecological Research, ICG, The Netherlands
Admin tasks and leadership
- Director of 14CHRONO since September 2022 (Deputy Director September 2021-August 2022)
- Member of scientific committee, CLARA2 Radiocarbon in Latin America Conference (2023)
- Member of QUB NERC Funding Liaison Group
- Board member of QUADRAT DTP (since 2019)
- Exam Officer Archaeology and Palaeoecology (February - August 2017, September 2019 - )
- Chair of School Postgraduate Research Committee (August 2017 - September 2018)
- Year 2 coordinator Archaeology and Palaeoecology (October 2016 - August 2017)
- Exam Officer Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology (August 2013 - January 2017)
- Advisor of Studies for Geography (August 2013 - December 2016)
- Athena SWAN co-champion (September 2012 - November 2015), co-wrote successful application for renewal of Silver Award for the School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology (2015)
- Scientific publications cited >15,000 times; h-index 54 (both
- Manuscript reviewer for Science, Nature, PNAS, Geology, Nature Geoscience, PLOS ONE, Global and Planetary Change, Quaternary Science Reviews, The Holocene, Journal of Quaternary Science, Quaternary Research, Quaternary Geochronology, Radiocarbon, Journal of Archaeological Science, Boreas, Current Anthropology, Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, Journal of Glaciology, Journal of Paleolimnology, Journal of Vegetation Science, Journal of Applied Statistics, Philosophical Transactions A, PNAS-NEXUS, Chaos Solitons and Fractals
- Proposal reviewer for NERC (UK), UKRI FLF (UK), NSF (US), ANR (France), SNF (Switzerland), NWO (Netherlands), American Chemical Society (US)
- Advisory Board Member of the Stratigraphy & Chronology Commission (SACCOM), International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) (invited; since July 2019)
- Academic member NERC Peer Review College (since May 2012)
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (since September 2011)
- Research staff representative School Board, School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology, Queen's University Belfast (2009 - 2010)
- Only postdoc to be included in the QUB Archaeology Research Assessment Exercise (RAE 2008)
- Interviewed by Mexican television (Canal 11) about research activities at CIMAT (February 2006)
- Forest scientist (volunteer) at Project Wallacea in Honduras. Fieldwork on forest structure, incl. assisting students (MSc and secondary school) (July - August 2004)
- Visiting scientist at Departamento de Biogeografía y Sinecología,
Universidad Nacional de México (UNAM), Mexico.
Assisted staff, BA and MSc students with Tilia (palynological software), C-14 chronologies,
and manuscripts (February 2003)
- Member of educational commission and PhD students commission of ICG (2000 - 2003)
- Member of discussion group "Palaeo-ecology and Chronology" at ICG.
This group met several times a year to discuss recent topics in palaeo-ecology and chronology (1998 - 2002)
- Member editorial team of "de Helix", magazine of Department of Biology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (1994 - 1999). Activities: chair, editor, writing popular scientific stories
- Dutch (native)
- English, Spanish, Norwegian (fluent)
- German, French, Swedish (basic)
Computer skills
- Operating systems: Linux, Mac
- Programming: R
- driving licence
- married to Mayté Segura, daughter Anna Rosalina
- nationality: Dutch
- born: 10 May 1974, Hardenberg, The Netherlands