

Welcome to the reposotory of the GSA Short Course on Age-Depth Modeling of Sedimentary Deposits. This course had four sessions:

  1. A prep check-in on Sep 13 2021, to make sure all relevant software on your computer is working
  2. On Sep 15 we discussed radiocarbon dating and calibration, and introduce how to make simple age-models
  3. On Sep 22 we looked at the theory and implementation of Bayesian age-depth models (mainly rbacon)
  4. Then finally on Sep 29 we looked at details of rbacon, introduced rplum Pb-210 age-modelling and looked at some age-models for cores from the participants.

All sessions took place at 9-11am PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) on Zoom.

You will need to have a recent version of R installed for your operating system, at least version 4.1.1. If you want, you can also install RStudio. Note that the version numbering differs between R and Rstudio; most important is to have a recent version of R installed. Please install the following R packages, by typing or pasting the below command into the R terminal:

install.packages(c("IntCal", "clam", "rbacon", "coffee", "rplum"))

After these packages are installed, please try loading both and running clam and rbacon, so that we can be sure everything will work as expected during the sessions:


next: session 1

session 1
session 2a
session 2b
session 3